Economic Development

Create jobs, grow the local economy, and help small businesses succeed.

What role should California’s state government play in its economic performance? The first way to answer that question is to say, very clearly, that one of the foremost responsibilities of California’s elected officials is to ensure that our state government, its tax rates, and its regulatory framework should have as minimal an impact on economic performance and development as possible.

Having said that, it’s also important to note two key facts: first, that California’s massive size and scale make it inescapable that we are going to have a state government that is necessarily large by most measures in order to simply serve its constituents across an expansive geography; and secondly, that California’s tradition of innovative, proactive, and progressive approaches to government are, on the whole, a good thing, and one of the attributes that have made it the nation’s leading force in so many areas over its history. Both of these facts are strengths, as long as those who are entrusted with managing the state’s finances and affairs do so while staying within our means.

Now that the state’s fiscal picture has once again improved, in addition to making arrangements for an appropriate state ‘rainy day’ fund and holding the line on the expansion of costly new programs, state government can also play an important role in fostering economic development by supporting the following broad goals:

  • Emphasizing job creation from within the state through support of key industries and entrepreneurism
  • Strengthening support and training for advanced manufacturing
  • Securing our region’s fair share of funding to reduce traffic
  • Creating dynamic public-private partnerships to meet the demand for properly trained talent in key industries
  • Helping California’s public universities create pathways between research and commercialization
  • Taking full advantage of California’s proximity to the Pacific Rim in supporting business export growth through strategic initiatives and partnerships.
  • Moving toward a zero-emission economy and creating thousands of new jobs.

Most of the economic impact of state government is the result of departments and programs overseen by either the Executive branch, under the direction of the Governor, or by other constitutional offices (Treasurer, Controller, Secretary of State).  Against that, the state legislature plays two key roles in the ways in which state government either helps or hinders economic development in our state: through legislation, to include adoption of the state’s annual budget and the creation of new departments and programs; and through oversight of existing departments and programs.

In today’s climate of special interest pressure and big money politics, the voices and concerns of average Californians are too often ignored. That is why I have pledged to never take any money from oil, gas, and fracking companies’ and why I am committed to stopping any Republican attempts to roll back environmental protections. As someone with a varied and accomplished background in business who brings a broad range of experience to the effort, I understand the balance that needs to be struck between fiscal prudence and proactive economic development, and as your state senator I will ensure that new proposals or programs meet that standard, while also working to reform existing programs in order to meet the broader goal of a prepared state government and a prosperous state economy.

We need your help! Contribute to our campaign for better service and representation in the State Senate.

I’m proud of the service I’ve provided and the relationships I’ve built throughout the local business community, whose diversity and vitality has made the 29th Senate District such a vibrant place for businesses of all kinds. 
That’s why I was especially proud to recently receive the endorsement of a wide range of local business leaders, including Joe Pak, a local realtor and community activist who is well known and widely respected within the Korean community:

“JOSH NEWMAN is a Yale-educated Army veteran and successful businessman who has delivered results for our State Senate District and the Korean American community. As our State Senator, Josh’s record of getting things done includes:

  • STRONGLY SUPPORTING the creation of a Korean Business District in Buena Park.
  • DELIVERING $20 MILLION in funding to reduce homelessness and support law enforcement.
  • AUTHORING LEGISLATION to give parents more choices in which school their children attend.
  • CREATING JOBS by supporting entrepreneurialism and helping small businesses.


“한인 커뮤니티의 지도자들과 함께 상원 의원 후보자 조쉬 뉴먼에게 투표하시기 바랍니다.


조쉬 뉴먼은 한인 커뮤니티의 확실한 옹호자임이 증명된 후보자입니다.